Dear family. This is cousin Kim and I'm responding this way so I can reach "ALL" of you.... Y'all know who you are. My heartfelt prayers go out to you all as I write this. Good thing it's not paper, you wouldn't be able to see it for the tears. Memories and tears will come flooding back to you, in the weeks and months and years ahead! Thinking about different things that y'all did with your Father, Grandfather, Great-grandfather, and Uncle. Forgive me if I forgot anyone.
Where to begin, I remember salmon fishing with him! I would always stay close to him after we got done fishing because I would go with him to clean the fish. He taught me how to butterfly fillet a walleye, and he was so patient with me even though I didn't skin it right the first couple times".
"I also remember how calm he was when he pulled in from work and saw Tammy with a plunger trying to get the dent out of Aunt Darlene's car because I had run into it with a riding lawn mower."
My dear Aunt Darlene and Uncle Bert we're not just husband and wife! They were the epitome of love and how to display it... Please listen to this song and get to know them a little better. "Look at Us"
- Much love, Kim Pfromm
Daddy was the kindest, most loving man I have ever known. He was selfless, smart and had a wit that was subtle but amazing! Although I wish I could have had more time with him here in the mountains when he came to visit this year, I will cherish each and every memory. Such good times with so many family members that were able to visit. He truly enjoyed having so many of his children around both physically and in spirit. I miss daddy so very much!! Love you daddy!! Very big hugs!!
- Tanya Nicke
Dad loved us all right to the end. He and mom taught us the lessons of true love. Even though there were 13 children, he always showed his love for each one of us. I will miss him more than words can express, and my expectation and hope is like my Dad's: "Oh Jehovah, You are our only hope" -- Psalm 39:7
- Mark Nicke
I LOVE my dad and mom - 2 of the best people ever!
Until we see each other again, we will do our best to continue in the fine pattern of love, loyalty and laughter that you both gave to us all.
- Darryl Nicke
So sorry for your loss. May the memories you had of your Father help get you though the coming days. All my love & prayers are with you & your family.
- Sally Jo Lockart
I came in to the family 48 years ago. Although I'm not one of Bert and Darlene's biological children, I became one through the years being married to Joe.
Joe and I from the beginning addressed my parents and his parents as "Mom and Dad". This felt nothing but natural to us. We loved both sets of parents and gained so much from them.
Joe growing up, surrounded by siblings, parents and grandparents knew the ins and outs of family life. I on the other hand with only my parents and I had to learn this from his mom and dad. With listening, communicating, being together, tackling and solving problems, it made things flow more smoothly day by day.
Its not easy keeping so many lives happy all the time. Dad had a loving way of doing this. He kept things in balance. Although it wasn't perfection all the time, the strive for it was there. His quiet patience when things were bleak and dark never ceased to amaze all.
Dad was a very loving man and a very much loved man. We are going to miss you so much. Dad you meant the world to us. We love you and Mom and the whole Nicke family.
- Sarah Nicke
Sarah and I were with dad in the mountains just a few weeks ago. Dad was jolly, loving life and feeling great! We gathered for a dinner with family members where dad was asked to say a prayer. I thought to myself, “this will be interesting”. Dad gave the most coherent, heartfelt prayer I ever heard. Knowing now that his character and life’s experience is still deeply ingrained in his inner most gut. He was 100% there. It brought tears to my eyes, and that is how I will remember my father.
I would call dad from time to time. He would answer “Who is this”? “Your favorite son!” I replied. He never fell for it. There was no outwitting this man. He was always diplomatic and unequivocal about the love he has for all of us. It is true, he had some dementia, but witty nonetheless.
My dad was the leader of the band, and his sense of who is playing out of tune was dealt with a thundering velvet hand. With so many children, this is a virtue. I was a drummer, Tim played the guitar, others played the piano, Jon played the trumpet. All were musically inclined, and we did not always harmonize. Dad and Mom taught us harmony by-way-of-example, something I have used with my own family. Now we are in near perfect harmony, thanks to our parents. The flute player is a bit squeaky, but we live with it. In honor of mom and dad, we will all show one another love, patience and empathy. We will all become anchors for one another and see the strengths vs weaknesses.
Train a boy [or girl] in the way [they] should go; Even when he grows old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
"His song is in my soul, my life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man. I am just a living legacy of the leader of the band". Dan Fogelberg
Dad had a sense of humor, and as you can tell, this has rubbed off on the children. We love to laugh, sing, hug, and just be there when someone calls. This is dad and mom’s wish, and we will give that to them. Their blood runs through our instruments. It is who we are. Mom and Dad gave us a gift we never can repay. We will miss them so, so much.
- Joe and Sarah
Our Grandpa Nicke was a very patient man. With all of his children and grandchildren. I had many opportunities in my younger years to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa Nicke. One particular moment that has always stood out for me regarding Grandpa. This moment was when I was around 12 years old. I was at their home staying the weekend. Saturday afternoon, I went outside to see if Grandpa needed help doing his yard chores. He was cleaning up in the garage. He handed me a mop and I started mopping the floor. I don’t know if it’s because I was rushing or if the mop was defective but the mop head completely fell off. Grandpa said “I will fix that, why don’t you take the trimmer and start trimming the hedges”. Sounded fine by me, so I grabbed the trimmer, plugged it in with the extension cord and away I went trimming the hedges. Minutes into that chore, I saw a spark and the trimmer shut down. I realized that I was rushing and had cut through the cord with the trimmer. As I approached the garage with the severed cord and the trimmer in hand, Grandpa was repairing the mop I had broken. I said “Grandpa?” and he famously said “What!?”. I showed him the severed cord and told him what I had done. He got up and took the two sides of the severed cord, inspected it for a solid 20 seconds, completely silent. He then looked at me and smiled, then proclaimed “you knucklehead, go get my electrical tape on my workbench”. Today, I have 3 children of my own, around the same age I was on that day. Grandpa Nicke showed some true patience. I now understand and really appreciate how patient he really was on that day.
- Joey Nicke
Debbie, I feel it is a blessing if one is able to say goodbye before the sorrow of death comes. I'm so saddened with your loss but happy that you could be there with your special father. The smile on his face shows me what a wonderful dad he was. Please know that your being held in my caring thoughts. Give me a call if you need anything. Bless you!
- Ellen Conner
When I was a little girl, convention music was provided by an orchestra of local musicians. A close childhood friend played the flute in that orchestra. I always sat in the orchestra section with her, and I remember Bert (Brother Nicke) conducting the orchestra and Darlene playing the piano...surrounded by lots of little blonde children. Bert was always smiling, always calm and unfazed, with a gentle, dry sense of humor. It would be years before our families were joined, but I felt like I already knew that happy, talented family.
- Nancy Mach
My earliest memories were of being at grandma and grandpa’s house. The lovingly prepared dinners. The laughter as the adults sat and talked for hours. All of us cousins filing out to the garage to “help” pour a beer (and subsequently each sneaking a sip before bringing it in). And the night wasn’t over until grandpa had had his Planter’s peanuts or pecan sandies, and was snoring his head off on the couch.
I’ll never forget grandpa telling me, after he just got yelled at by grandma for not loading the dishwasher correctly “You see Amber, the secret is doing a bad job, so she doesn’t ever ask me to help again”. My grandpa was a funny, gentle, loving and patient man.
I am so grateful my children got to spend a little time with him. And I cherish the thought of one day being able to go fishing with grandpa again, and hearing his famous line “You know Amber, it doesn’t get any better than this!”
We love you grandpa and grandma.
- Amber Judd
You were a kind loving spiritual person who always had a kind word and a smile to share with everyone. We always had a wonderful time with you whether at an assembly or on vacation. You were a spiritual giant for the whole family and will be dearly missed , looking forward to welcoming you both back in Jehovah’s new world until then sleep peacefully dreaming of your only true love Darlene 💕
- Kathleen (Darryl) Nicke
You were a great father in law and a awesome grandfather, not only my children but to all your grandchildren. You were always happy and had a smile on your face. I have many great memories with you, especially the weekends where we played the card game hearts for many years. You will be missed.
- Gloria Wright
Grandpa Nicke was the best grandpa anyone could ask for. I remember when all (or most) of the grandkids would spend the night, grandpa would load us all up in the motor home (that was a requirement when you had 10-15 grandkids to take) just to take us to Meijers and get us candy bars. He would do anything to see us smile. I remember the MR Snikes joke he used to tell - so passionately and full of character. I remember going on road trips to Florida and Alabama with my grandparents, we had so much fun - especially when we camped at Fort Wilderness in Disney. Grandpa would only gas up at Amaco gas stations. He’d run out of gas before he went anywhere else. So cute! I miss you and Love you to the moon and back grandpa.
- Leah Nicke
Growing up I remember how he was always playing chess with Dad (my dad, Jonathan Nicke) and sitting in the garage telling stories. The last time I saw Papa in July before his trip we talked in the living room about dinosaurs. I showed him my collectibles and he told me his favorite was the green t-rex. I'll never forget that day. I wish I would have known it was the last time I would speak to him. I love and miss you Papa Nicke.
- Stephen Nicke
I remember the first time I met Papa, Steve and I had only been together a few months at the time. He was so kind and sweet and taught me how to play euchre. Even though he was always Darlene's partner he offered to be mine so we could win (Not hard to do if you have ever played against Stephen). Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your family. We will forever cherish the pictures of you from our wedding. We will miss you.
- Kimberlyn Nicke
My heart goes out to the Nicke family for the loss of such a wonderful man Bert. He loved to make people laugh and bring true happiness to others. I have shared great memories and adventures that will never be forgotten. Prayers and peace for the Nicke family.
- Karl Kacel
We would just like to share our heartfelt condolences and love for your family. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. May Jehovah continue to bring you comfort at this time. He will be greatly missed!
- Greg, Chachi, Tesah & Alicia ( Alvis Family)
Sorry for your loss. We were blessed to know the Nicke's through Daryl. We spent many, many days salmon fishing and hunting. We only have fond memories of our time with them. What great compassion and love they had for family as well as friends. We always felt like part of the family. Praying for peace for you all. What an honorable tribute to your parents.
- Patrick and Karen McKenna
To my family, You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Your Dad was amazing. Just raising and caring for such a large family is unbelievable. Despite all his health issues, your Dad was so tough that he lived longer than anyone could have imagined. A kind of funny story, When he was in rehab, from time to time, I would go sit with him. One day he didn’t want to watch tv, listen to music or have me read to him. Finally I asked him if he wanted to play a game of checkers. He said yes but he hadn’t played in forever. As we started playing, he asked me to explain the rules to him. I did and we began playing. Unfortunately, it turned out, because of his Alzheimer's, he couldn’t hold on to any of the rules. So I literally had to explain the rules to him every single time it was his turn. It was the longest game of checkers I ever played but Bert said he really enjoyed it. So it was worth it. What Job said is now true for Bert too. Job 14:13 & 14 says; “Oh that in the grave you would conceal me. That you would hide me until your anger passes. That you would set a time limit for me and remember me! If a man dies, can hs live again. I will wait all the days of my compulsory service until my relief comes”. As I’ve already said to some of the family, I am 1000000000000% sure that Jehovah wIll keep Bert safe in his memory with Darlene, until he resurrects them both. We love you all and we are here for all of you what ever you need.
- Love Jeff Patru
Our thoughts and prays are with you all at this time. We remember with great fondness meeting your Dear Dad when we were visiting just last yr with our Dear friends daryle and Kathy. In the short time we were there it was obvious your Dear Dad was a fine spiritual man, a man with great love of Jehovah, and of his beautiful family. He is safe now in Jehovah's memory, what a reunion your family will have when Jehovah resurrects your Mom and Dad, much love from Joy and lorne leland from australiax x x
- Joy & lorne Leland
There are no words to express my feelings at this time. The "sting of death" is so very painful when we lose such a dear loved one ... and dad was indeed loved by so many. Dad was my hunting and fishing buddy, my friend and my anchor. He was the best dad anyone could ask for. In spite of this painful loss, we gain great comfort from the knowledge that now dad is safe in Jehovah's memory, and soon we will welcome dad and mom back in paradise conditions - and we will all be in perfect health. Until that day comes, we'll continually thank Jehovah for "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding [that] will guard our hearts and mental powers by means of Christ Jesus" -- Philippians 4:6,7
- Tom Nicke
Papa - Although I could not spend much time with you, the little time I did have with you was precious and heartfelt. Some of my favorite memories of you include playing Euchre and listening to your stories from your childhood/life. You will be missed, but never forgotten. You have passed, but your love endures through your family. My love and thoughts go out to our family and friends.
-Your Granddaughter, Olivia
Grandpa was always very laid back and took things in stride. I absolutely loved his sense of humor. For example: We brought newborn Katie to meet Grandma and Grandpa for the first time. I had her dressed in a cute pink outfit and she had a pink/brown carseat/carrier. As we were leaving Grandpa thanked us for coming and said "you can bring you baby boy to visit anytime". The room fell silent.... I was going to let it go but Bert speaks up and says "Dad, did you just call their baby a boy? It's a girl!" We all started laughing and Grandpa immediately says "They all look the same until the diaper comes off". He will aways hold a special place in my heart. He truly was the patriarch of a large, beautiful, diverse family. He will be deeply missed.
- Lisa Fritts
My sincere condolences to the family. Pops was a sweet , loyal and caring man. He overcame many of life’s challenges and was a role model for us all. He will be missed and never forgotten! ❤️
- Grace King
So sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for your invitation. We will gladly attend. May Jehovah continue to be with you and your family in these times. We are so happy to have known you through the good times and the difficult times. I am confident that our mutual love for Jehovah and Jehovah's love will carry us through all of our days for Jehovah's will to be done and the sanctification of his name. What a blessing this is.
- Your brother, Matthew Biagi
Even though not my Dad by birth, he became my Dad.
He truly provided a firm foundation for our family. Dad's heart was filled with love A heart that I fell in love with some 49 years ago. I truly love this kind man, and the first-born son that he produced. Now we wait for the fulfillment of the promises and the hope that Dad kept close, right to the end. I miss him so much already.
- Kathy (Mark) Nicke
I am truly sorry for your loss.
I pray that Jehovah may bless you and safeguard you and may his face shine upon you and grant you peace during these difficult circumstances.
- With Love, Mimi Sesay
Our love and prayers are with you and your family.
- Greg Langston
It was in the late 70s Patsy and I were first introduced to Bert Nicke and his wife Darlene during a visit to their home by his son Joe.
I was struck at first by the size of Bert’s family and the love that was displayed by all who were there. Bert was the epitome of what a father should be, a good provider, a wonderful host and a brother who displayed all the positive qualities of a Christian.
Over the years as my friendship continued with Joe it was easy to see the values that were instilled in Joe along with the rest of his brothers and sisters came from his father and mother. As a large family there were good times and bad, but throughout all those times Bert was there to give his family the needed guidance and advice as was necessary to keep the family together.
That was the one thing I was always amazed by was all the diversity of ideas, hopes and aspirations in this family and no matter what Bert was there like a rock to support and comfort his family as well as his friends no matter what the issue.
It’s been a long while since my wife and I have had the opportunity to see Bert but we always got updates from Joe on how his Mom and Dad were doing along with the rest of the family.
Patsy and I are both saddened by Bert’s passing and I know that feeling is felt not only by his family and his blood relatives but also among his friends and all of the Christian Congregation.
The entire Nicke Family has our love, support and deepest sympathy for the loss of this wonderful friend, counselor, father and brother.
With Heartfelt Love,
Donald & Patsy Zombo
Toledo, Ohio
Faithful Smile
Always there
His faithful smile
Encouraging the tired one
Don't give up and try
Year after year
Trial after trial
Faithful to his God Jehovah
I'm gonna miss that smile!
I know that soon
We'll meet again
When all the shadows disappear
We'll smile again
We'll welcome you
We'll sing again
Together with your faithful smile
Until Forever!
- For Bert from marielataylor
I never met Bert or saw him before but when I saw his picture I thought it was Mark. I had to look closely to see. I look forward to learning more about Bert and his life both at his memorial and later.
- David Hinz
The "Fairchild house"... where you always felt welcome...and the hayrides? Some of the best teenage memories ever!!
- Phyllis Rhodes
I’m sorry that grandpa has left us but I really appreciate all of the love and care that everyone gave him while he was here.
- Melaine Nicke-Pegg
I'll always remember Grandpa's late night trips to get us grandkids candy bars sending us to the basement to play, talking around the dinner table, and trips in the motor home to Disney land! He had a beautiful soul that carries on thru his children and grandchildren. I love you Grandpa ❤
-Jonathan Nicke
Grandpa had a great and fulfilling life!
A sweet memory:
During my childhood and teenage years, I spent a lot of time over grandpa & grandma’s house. On a regular basis, grandpa would surprise me with my favorite candy bar PayDay. When I was older I often returned the favor and brought him his favorite candy bar Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
They were wonderful grandparents. They passed down to our family a beautiful gift. They took the time to know & love Jehovah. They gave us this knowledge to the same. I look forward to the time when all of us will see them in the future, Young, healthy & happy.
- Jennifer Patru
Dear Mark and Family:
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. What a wonderful spiritual heritage! I enjoyed your website. I would have loved to hear the Memorial Talk, but I will be working from 3:30pm to 11:00pm on Saturday. I feel privileged to have been included in the mailing. May our Great God Jehovah comfort you in the days and years ahead. Also may your memories comfort you. I remember in the Greatest Man book, preface, they were talking about what makes a man great. They said, "What did he leave behind to grow?" Your father left much behind to grow, and now you have the job/responsibility to care for/develop what he left behind. This, in itself, will be comforting to you as the days wear on. Again, may Jehovah be with yo
Your Christian Sister,
- Lynne Gray
May all of you have loving memories of him remember the happy times his smile ,his laugh.
- Anne Jelinek
Bert was a wonderful husband, father and a great person. He will be missed but is now with the love of his life, Darlene.
- Bonnie Parr
Hold on to all the wonderful memories & the love of Jehovah will get though this difficult time. Also know your not alone your extended family here to help also.
All my love & prayers are with you all.
Sally Jo
We look forward to meeting him in the new world. May Jehovah continue to strengthen and encourage your family. Remember, he is in Jehovah's memory now which is the safest place anyone can be.
- Daniel & Erica Doha
I have memories of talking with Bert (Dad) about his wife Darlene, Lene and Dianne and how I marveled at their work ethic and their loyalty. He as you all know would smile that electric engaging smile of his and nod in agreement. His smile just made you smile back. I also remember when the accounting firm was switching computer hardware and systems and as I remember Joe was the point person in the project and Dad was helping out. I stopped into the office on a Saturday and the place looked like a hurricane had come through, computer parts and screens all over looking to me like it was random. Bert saw the look on my face and again he smiled that smile and said it will not look like this Monday. I of course smiled back turned around and left. Monday AM you would not have believed me if I told you what I saw Saturday. Rest in Peace Bert and say hi to Darlene.
- Jack Kahrnoff
What a beautiful loving family. Wow 13 children and you look so happy. Truly sorry for your loss. May Jehovah comfort you during this difficult time. Rev21:3-4
- Moses & Camille Randle (N Sterling Heights congregation)
Thoughts and prayers with you during this difficult time ❤️. Beautiful website.
- Stephanie Serenko
Hi Nicke's family, we're very sorry about your father, we'll accompany you in this time and our best friend Mark.
Hola familia Nicke, sentimos mucho la perdida de su padre, nosotros los acompañaremos en este momento y a nuestro mejor amigo Mark.
- Byron Sosa
I will always remember how he loved his kids. He would allow all of us to hang out at their home on the weekends. I can only look forward to seeing him again in the new world.
- Suzonna Warrenton
Dear Nicke Family,
We are so saddened to hear of the loss of your loving Dad and Papa. Jehovah's peace is comforting you with his Holy Spirit, the Word of hope he's given you, your family and friends, and, a special gift Jehovah provides: your "scrapbook & photo albums that are locked in your brain". And what beautiful memories you have!
Please remember the love of so many friends surrounds you - we share in your distress and send you hope.
- With deepest regard, Paula Schalk
We remember Bert as a spiritual man and an example for all. Hw worked diligently in Jehovah’s Service. An excellent example of Christian living.
- James Wilson
Tanya, Tammy, Bert Jr., Joe and Family,
Our loved ones never truly seem that old to leave us. We never prepare our hearts for saying goodbye.
But.... they will live on in our hearts and memories. Their kindness, their comfort and the love they shared will be with us forever.
Wishing all of you peace and warm thoughts in your time of sorrow.
- Ron and Kathy Hefley
Our dear Nicke family: As friends and missionary buddies of Mark and Kathy in Ecuador, please accept our sincerest condolences for the loss of your dear father.
We did not know how large of a family that Mark had. Mark's spirituality has touched our lives and many others. We share your tears and share you hope. The joy of Jehovah is great! Warm hugs from G & F.
- Glen & Faye Westby
Words are hard to find. We’ve know your family for so long. Many memories! Teenage boys hanging out together and pioneering together. Being part of the orchestra for our assemblies. Vacations together, snow skiing to our wonderful trip to Warwick. We thank you all for being our family. Looking forward to seeing Mom and Dad again soon.
- Sonny Denton
A Nicke Legend, The Leader of The Band has been lost and will be forever mourned.
My Grandfather, Bertram Carl Nicke, Sr. truly was a man of sharp mind and comical nature. But what I will most remember and take forever with me, is his unwavering loyalty & obedience to our Heavenly Father, Jehovah. He took the Word of God very seriously, and he quoted to me on many occasions the scripture in Hebrews 13:7, to not give up on “imitating their faith” of the servants Jehovah appoints to lead the organization so we may continue to endure so that we may inherit God’s Kingdom of everlasting life as is promised in the scriptures.
I’m very excited to greet you again Papaa in the New World, where you will be part of “those in the memorial tombs who will hear his voice and come a resurrection of life” John 5:28,29.
I have so many fond, interesting and funny memories of you, Papaa, most of which included Grandma as she would exclaim: “BERT!!!“ and then cry out: “Oh, this place is a zoo, this place is a zoo!!”
I Love You Papaa, You have made it to the New World, and I will see you there real soon!
Your Loving Granddaughter,
~Kelly M. Nicke ❤️
I loved all the beautiful pictures of Bert and his family! You are all a living tribute to arrows in the hands of a mighty man. Ps 127:4. I shall forever hold a place in my heart for him and look forward to the time I can rejoice with you when he “stands up” again in the resurrection. John 11:24 & 25. Until then may Jehovah’s loving arms encircle you and give you peace and comfort. 2 Cor 1:2-4
- Geri Humphrey
How long have we known each other and the love of your family was a shining example of Bert's love for all. More memories are soon to be made, without the tint of sin.
Rest and soon Jehovah will call and we have a seat waiting for you at the reunion on the other side.
- Barak Wyne
To all my In-laws; you have my deepest condolences over the loss of your Father. Not only was he a kind and loving man, but he was very meek and humble, one that many could learn lessons from. He certainly knew how to set the example of what an excellent Husband, Father, and wonderful provider he was. You certainly had the privilege of having such a loving Father like him, and it showed how much you loved him too. I know how much he is going to be terribly missed. As his daughter-in-law, I enjoyed observing on many occasions how all of you interacted with each other and the good times you all had with him. I am proud to say that he was my Father-in-law. I enjoyed his wit, humor, and conversations I had with him. He would make me laugh and smile. No words can express how much I am going to miss him. But I anxiously look forward to welcome him back with open arms, a huge hug and a kiss on his cheek, when he comes back to life in a perfect Paradise on Earth, under Jehovah's Messianic Kingdom. "Dad I will wait for you to come back to us. We'll have much to celebrate when we will also see My Mother-in-law again."
Isaiah 25:6-8. In the meantime; may you rest comfortably until we all meet again."
Love, Your Forever Daughter-in-law;
- Mary Ellen
Walking into the Nicke home for the first time I had a watermelon basket and three kids to wrangle. It was like walking into a special place of peace. Darlene was in the kitchen and Very came in the back, with his big smile and a welcome. There were about 30 people counting the kids. A big table was spread out in the drive with enough food for the congregation. The smile never left Beth's face. No matter if you had been in the congregation a week or 20 years all were welcome! What a beautiful way to live, a preview of the new system.
- Phyllis Delisi
Dear Nicke Family,
We are very sorry for your lost. We loved brother Bert and we love you very much. All of you are in our prayers. "if one member suffers, All the other members suffer" 1 Cor 12:26. We are here for you, please let us know what we can do to help. "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart and those who are crush in spirit He saves" Ps 56:8. You are in our prayers and thoughts.
- Marie, Kate and Nick Zender.
Having the pleasure of knowing Joe for several years, I can only imagine how wonderful Bert must have been.
May he rest in peace and his warm memories be a blessing for all who knew him and were touched by him.
- Feyzi Fatehi
I didn’t know Grandpa that well, I would only see him if I went to Michigan and that was on rare occasions. But I know that he was a great father, husband, grandfather and even a great grandfather. My dad and grandfather used to tell stories about the nicke family and how you guys had parties and have good times with each other even when times were rough and I just got to say I’m glad to be part of the nicke family.
- Lucas Nicke
I remember Bert as the man who gave me my wonderful Uncle Mark. Keeping your family in my prayers. Love
- Courtney Lindsey
My father, along with my mother, are sorely missed. Mom's ashes have been on the fireplace mantle all these years here at 53400 Chesterfield. Now there are so many of dad's things just sitting in limbo where he left them, waiting for him to return from his vacation. It's so difficult, but will be good to know they are both together at the gravesite the way they've planned for decades. My loving parents will always be in my heart, as well.
- Deborah Nicke
So many great memories of the Nicke home. Get togethers, near by horse back riding, That was going out to the country back 50 yrs ago. Great times. Most importantly. The spiritual heritage of the Nicke family. Good Godly training of their children led one of the boys to contact my grandmother " Kate Greiner" in the door to door work. She told me once that she couldn't wait for them to bring the next magazines! Those visits Led to her studying, and getting baptized, my mother Peggy Greiner also came in at the same time. Of course they helped me to learn about Jah. And I taught my children, and now they are teaching their children. That's 5 generations of servants of Jah! From the faithful work of Bert and his family studying and preaching the good news. I would just like to thank you all. I pray Jah will help you cope with your great loss. And of your recent mother as well, one of the sweetest woman I have ever known. Love you all
- Mike Greiner
Loving thoughts and prayers goes out the the family.
- Shirletha Carroll
Me and my family were never around as much, so I never got to form a strong relationship with grandpa nicke. But I can see that he was an amazing man, by looking at his kids. Each one that I’ve met have been some of the loveliest people I’ve encountered, and that says something about grandma and grandpa. Hopefully in the new system I can befriend them.
- Anthony Nicke
There will never be a man who loved more.
- Joshua Nicke
We send our love and prayers to Nicke family.
- John, Angie, and Tyler Rushing
You are in our thoughts and prayers. May Jehovah stregnthen you and comfort you during this time.
- Dion Williams
Since I've been working with Joe I have come to appreciate what a great love and respect he has for his parents and connection with a large family. My condolences to you all and my warm thoughts and wishes for your solace in this trying time in your family journey.
- Scott Chate
o my cousins, Uncles and Aunts - you were in many of the memories that I had of Grandpa. Growing up, it was all part of the package. It wasn't until I reached adulthood that I appreciated grandpa as an individual! I imagine the humble beginnings that Grandpa was born into - and how his life was progressively enriched with every passing year and with each new addition to the family. I admire how he provided for his family - even when the means weren't there, he always found a way. He was faithful to his family in every sense, and was always available to help someone in need. Somehow he still had time to pursue his hobbies of camping, fishing, hunting. I remember trips to Manistee and how he showed me to fillet my first king salmon. So many ways he taught his kids and grand-kids, not always with words but with action. Truly an example worth imitating. I look forward to seeing my grandparents again.
- Tommy Nicke
We have a real hope of being reunited with our loved ones
JOHN 5:28,29. Warm Christian LOVE
- Patricia Barnard
Our deepest sympathies to the Nicke family. May Jehovah give you strength during this difficult time.
- Michael Balatzis
Brother Nicke was always so kind to me. He seemed to have unlimited patience. I admire that very much. He and Sister Nicke were very generous & kind in sharing their home with us kids, inviting our family to get-togethers, loving us like their own. We can't wait to see them again under so much better surroundings. Thanks to Jehovah for that wonderful prospect. Heartfelt love to all the surviving Nickes everywhere.
- Brian & Susanne Lardie
An Ode to my father, the best person I have ever known.
As we look back over time
We find ourselves wondering…….
Did we remember to thank you enough
For all you have done for us?
For all the times you were by our sides
To help support us…..
To celebrate our successes
To understand our problems
And accept our defeats?
Teaching us by your example,
The value of hard work, good judgement,
Courage and integrity?
We wonder if we ever thanked you for the sacrifices you made
To let us have the very best?
And for the simple things
Like laughter, smiles, and times we shared?
If we have forgotten to show our
Gratitude enough for all you did,
We are thanking you now!
And we are hoping you knew all along,
How much you meant to us.
Love you dad.
- Bertram Nicke II
Another faithful brother that Jehovah has in his memory. May the family be comforted to know that Jehovah has a perfect memory and will never forget all his good deeds.
- Jeff / Renee' Sprankle
I'm so very sorry and my heart breaks for the Nicke family. Uncle Bert's passing brings tremendous sorrow to anyone who knows him or the family. I have many great memories spending time with all of you & want you to know that we (the Pfromm's) love and cherish you guys.
- Terra Harris
Uncle Bert was one of the most intelligent, interesting and funny guy I have known. Along with the privilege of spending so much time with the family. I will always be thankful for Aunt Dar and Uncle Bert and family. He will always be loved and remembered.
- Ilona Mossop
Our brother will be sorely missed by friends and family alike. We look forward to seeing him and so many again in God's New World.
Love to you all.
- Ron and Carol Lardie
Sending our love and prayers to your family during this difficult time.
- Aric & Tina Haamen
Brother Nickie,I was so sorry to hear about you dad, but Just remember John 5:28.
- Paul Jackson
Our prayers are with you and your family. Jehovah treasured him as a faithful servant as you do as a wonderful father. I am sure that you cannot wait for all to be made new in paradise.
- Cheryl Miller
When someone you love becomes a memory the memory becomes a treasure.
We are so sorry for your loss. Love,
- Laura (Pfromm) & Ralph Hargraves
Hi Tom, We're very sorry about your father. He seems like a wonderful man. We can't wait to meet him in the new world. I'm sure you are entertaining thoughts about all the things that you will need to bring your father up to speed in the new world. He certainly had such a beautiful and faithful family. Your family is in our prayers. Hugs from Song family!
- David Song
We are both so sorry for your loss. We are both aware of the deep pain of losing a dearly loved parent. But Jehovah’s sure promise of the resurrection gives us comfort until that joyous time. We love you all and keep you in our prayers.
- Tom & Connie Kacir
Dear Nicke Family
We just wanted you to know how sorry we are for the loss of your father. We know these times are so so sorrowful, and yet we have such a beautiful hope for the future, when we will be able to see our loved ones again. (John 5:28,29) Jehovah yearns for this himself. Until then we have to stay strong and we can help each other through these times. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we send you so much love!!
Much Christian Love
Danny, Rheyma, and Ashley
- The Myers
I look forward to meeting your father in paradise! May Jehovah give you the strength and courage necessary during these trials. My sincere love.
- Chancel Bamvi
Nicke Family
You have our deepest sympathies for now but we share your hope for the future.
- Edison Family
To the entire Nicke Family please accept our sincere and deepest sympathy on the lost of your Father Br. Bert Nicke and our beloved brother in faith. We pray that our loving father Jehovah give your family the strength needed daily to come with your lost.
Agape Love
- Curtis and Maureen Arther
May you find comfort in our hope of the resurrection, your relationship with Jehovah and the love of your friends.
- Daniel & Lori Thompson
We have many fine memory’s of Bert. I was touched by his kindness and patience with others. One of my earliest memories of Bert was visiting at their home In Chesterfield. I enjoyed talking with Bert but found it some what challenging because as we spoke the little ones were crawling on and climbing on Bert. It was clear that they loved to be near this kind man. And even more amazing to me was the fact that he could carry on a good conversation despite all the activity totally unaffected. I wondered how he could do this. I think he just loved to be around children. Especially his own.
- Tom & Ellen Carriere
Our thoughts & prayers as a family are with you All during this challenging time. May the God of tender mercies and all comfort continue to be a comfort to your family.
We love you!
Nwabuisi Family
Grandpa Nicke always had a smile on his face. That is always how I will remember him. A happy man, with his large family. I remember every Sunday, we would have family dinners at their house, and get to know and play with all of our cousins. A lot of families don't have that. Ours is a special one, where we love unconditionally. I love my whole big, crazy family with all my heart. That is what Grandpa and Grandma Nicke want. For us to carry on their legacy, and keep loving just as they did.
I miss you Grandpa, and love you with all my heart.
- Rachel
Aunt Dar and Uncle Bert will always be remembered in our thoughts and prayers. Both never ceased to amaze, they were such kind and loving people. They came to our house when each of oue children were born. Watching them love and cuddle my boys you'd never guess the large family they had. Every child was special and a gift from God to them, it showed in the love they showered on my boys over them. Forever in our hearts.
- Carole Sharrow
Grandpa and Grandma may have gone to rest, but the family and legacy they have left behind will live on through all of us!
You can judge an impact by the size of the ripples/waves it creates, and the impact of Bert and Darlene will ripple out through time for many decades to come.
Warm love and greetings from me and Sandy here in Germany!
- DJ Nicke
Hello Nicke bunch! We are so sorry for your loss. Papa Bert will be missed by many. I have so many fond memories of hanging out at the Nicke house with most of you if not all of you for bonfires and barbeques. Many others I'm sure have the same memories. Those memories don't compare to the memories Jehovah has of Bert and Darlene and their years of faithful worship to the end, and He doesn't lose His memory like we do. The loss hurts now but it helps to know all this is temporary. Dad/Papa and Mom/Grandma are going to be reunited in Paradise! What a great hope we have! Love you all!
- Randy Shattuck
I remember your parents and your whole family with such fondness. It was almost like we were an extended part of your family for many years and I will always be grateful for that. May you continue to be strong with and for each other and hold on to the wonderful memories until that new world arrives. Much love to you all and please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.
- Marcia and Debby Shattuck
I love you grandpa!
- Marc Nicke
We are so sorry for your loss. We look forward to seeing your dad/grandpa in the new world. We send our love ❤️
- Marcy Family
One of the most lovely brothers we had the opportunity to meet, hospitable and kind and always of sweet humor!!
- Francisco Ruano-serret
May Jehovah comfort you and your family during this time of lost.
- James Cottingham
My deepest condolences to your family. May Jehovah be your source of comfort. Although I didn't know your dad, from what I've read and heard from the talk he sounded like a wonderful man and a loyal servant of Jehovah. We are all impatiently waiting for Jehovah to bring all our loved ones back to life so that we can all finally meet and enjoy life for eternity!
- Jenny Bamvi
We are sorry that your family has lost such a warm and caring and fun , father, grandfsther, uncle brother and friend. Though we did not know him personally, we learned much about him from Gary's well spoken expressions, and also from the family photos, and brief humble interview video about him and his handsome gently bearded self.
- Phillip and Maureen Ellis
I’m so very sorry for the loss of Bert. He was a wonderful man and will be greatly missed by all.
- Mary Mumea
My beloved friends, I feel the deep pain in your hearts. Just know Jehovah feels it too and he has the ability to comfort each and every one of you. MaryE & Kelly, if ever you need someone to talk to in the middle of night feel free to call . Ill be there to comfort you just as your family has comforted me.
I love each of you deeply. Agape,
- Nora Brown
To the Nicke Family. We send our deepest condolences and our heartfelt prayers.
Deepest love,
- Bill and Theresa Ford
May the God of all comfort wrap you the Nicke Family in his loving arms during your time of grief.
- Sister Dorothy S Rutledge
Thinking of you. This is such a beautiful compilation of memories for your family.
- Jon & Diane Wyne
We pray for Jehovah to soothe and comfort you during this sadness. By living his life faithfully, he conquered the world like Jesus did.
- David and Jessica Koufos
I would like to say that my heart goes out to the Nickie family. I to lost my parents and alway remember that you I will see them again . Love you all
- Brother James Jackson
Just want you all to know that we have always appreciated and still love you all.. and that will never stop..and appreciated the hay rides and hospitality your family shared with mine(Sis.Pryor & her kids) we look forward to the big party in paradise when Jehovah gives us back our loved ones..let's keep on enduring.. it's just around the corner..and never forget Jehovah loves us all..we will be praying for you all..❤
- Loretta Shack
To The Nicke Family,
We're so sorry for your loss. Jehovah is our loving Father and He will be with you and will give you comfort. We are thinking of you and praying for you.
We love you very much.
- Daniel & Lucy Munoz
To all of the Nicke Family,
Our hearts feels your pain. May Jehovah strengthen all of you while we wait the return of your Father, Grandfather, Brother. We will have so many tears of joy as we welcome back all of our loved ones that we have lost.
- Wendy and Dennis Moran
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. Take comfort in Jehovah's promise of the resurrection. The Paradise is just around the corner.
- Ed & Sue Mundy
ear Nicke Family:
I am very sorry for your loss, death is miserable. On top of that, we can't even meet together in person because we are still battling a pandemic. I wanted to share a few things that I hope put a smile on your face:
Dianne - You have helped me out in business in more ways than I can count over the last 15 years (and still helping :), thank you!!!
Lene - I remember field service with you as a kid and cruising in your car! and tacos at our house!
Tom - I remember leaving the book study at Don Baty's house and I slipped and fell on the ice in the drive way. You ran up to me and YELLED: SAFE!! You waved your arms like an umpire as I "slid into home base". LOL
Bert - I don't remember much but I remember us at the Kingdom Hall and you were really funny and cool :)
Mark - I met you about 5 years ago, I enjoy working with you every week and I thank you for your constant encouragement and love. I have learned a lot from you, look at you as a mentor and I respect the example you set as a humble leader.
- Guy Vaiasicca
Hello our dear friend, what a beautiful memorial. Our hearts, prayers, and our tears are with you during this unfair time,,. We love you all so much and were touched by the loving service this evening.
- Love, the Hottel Family
Mark and family, Although we are both sorry for your temporary loss. Thank you for the invitation that shows just some of the love in your family. Are prayers are with you.
- Miles Stiller
What a beautiful Memorial Service. My heart goes out to the entire Nicke Family. May your shared love and happy memories console you in the days to come.
- Kathy Walker Schenkel
To our dear friend first of all we want you to know that we love you and miss you very much and that our thoughts and prayers are with you thru this painful journey. Always remember Jehovah's promises that we will be reunited with our death ones in a perfect conditions paradise earth. We love and miss you all.
- Christopher Flores
Mark I never new your father but you are a spitting image of him. Alice and I saddened over your loss. My mother died in May of this year, so I know how difficult it can be. However, we will get to see him in paradise. Our warm love goes out to you and all of your family.
- Love, Alice and Jerry Wray.
By the way, it's pouring down rain here in Ecuador
I was so touched by the love of Jehovah and family that was on display at the Memorial service. I’m a friend of Tom’s and I now know where his humor and teddy bear love care from. I can’t wait to meet Bert in the Paradise!!!
- Milcah Desir
Our Dearest Nicke Family, What a beautiful privilege & honor to have Brother Bert in your lives in a unique & endearing way! He certainly left a spiritual legacy of unconditional love & loyalty to Jehovah for all to imitate!! What a special place to be in Jehovah's loving memory, very soon after his short nap Brother Bert will be awakened & enjoy the best life ever in paradise with his precious family & friends!! We can't wait to meet him personally!! We pray that Jehovah will shower upon you all his unfailing love and support to continue to endure during this difficult time. We love you all!! The Hite, - - Campbell & Turner Families (Sherrie Turner)
Mary M. Weaver Oh Joe. I do have fond memories of your dad , my Uncle Bert, this is a sad time for sure. You have your wonderful memories of both your folks and we can take 🥰😇consolation in those.
- Mary Weaver (Jelinek)
So sorry for the loss to your family. Knowing your Dad and Mom was a pleasure. I eagerly look forward to the time when I can meet them again in full health and vigor in the new world to come. Love and heartfelt prayers for the entire Nicke family.
- Lynnett (Pryor) Johnson
We are so sorry for your loss. We cannot wait to be able to meet him, along with the whole family in the near future.
- Love Steve and Gina Cramer